Make a Difference to Our Community
Donations to Talbot Community Connections directly support the services provided to the victims and their families at the CAC. Talbot Community Connection's mission is to raise and distribute funds to answer unmet needs that are fundamental to the safety, security, health, and well-being of Talbot County's children and adults.
Funds Raised
Talbot Community Connections (TCC), a fourteen-member volunteer board, was formed to raise funds to enhance the Talbot County Department of Social Services (TCDSS) capacity to respond directly to problems of safety and well-being of county citizens. The funds raised provide help to abused children through the Talbot County Children's Advocacy Center, families in crisis, the unemployed and working poor, and disabled and frail elderly. TCC awards provide funds for respite care, prevention of evictions and utility disconnects, therapeutic activities, housing fuel, transportation, support groups, and a fatherhood program. TCC funds are able to help individuals stay in the community and keep families together.

TCC Board of Directors
Amy B. Steward, President
Cynthia Pease, Co-Vice President
Jennifer Wright, Co-Vice President
Joe Carrico, CPA, Treasurer
Arlene Guagliano
Marcie Malloy
Kate Stinton
John Sullivan
Ruth Sullivan
Dodie Theune
Sally Vermilye, Founding Director
Nancy Wilson, Founding Director