Empowering Children,
Healing Hearts
Providing a Multi-Disciplinary Response to Allegations of Child Sexual and Severe Physical Abuse

Child Advocacy Services
in Talbot County, MD
The Talbot County Children's Advocacy Center (TCCAC) opened in 2003 when a group of professionals and volunteers set out to find a more compassionate and effective way to bring services to children victimized by abuse.

What is a CAC?
The CAC is a safe place that offers a friendly environment where abused children can receive specialized services. Child protective services, law enforcement, and medical staff can investigate abuse allegations and share the information in a manner sensitive to the needs of young victims.

Our Mission
The Talbot County Children's Advocacy Center is committed to a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary response to allegations of child sexual and severe physical abuse in a child-focused setting.

How Can You Help?
Donations to Talbot Community Connections directly support the services provided to the victims and their families at the CAC. Their mission is to raise and distribute funds to answer unmet needs that are fundamental to the safety, security, health, and well-being of Talbot County's children and adults.